Additional Projects


    A simple game focused on atmosphere in which you navigate a small glowing light through a maze with extremely limited visibility, aided only by pillars that can be lit up once found to reveal more of the surrounding area. Made in 2020 as part of the UCLA Game Lab summer program.


    A short experimental platformer in which the player controls a deity shoving a chosen yet unwilling hero via winds and storms towards their destiny. Developed in 2022 as part of the NYU Coding for Game Design summer program. Pixel art done by Dalia Thornburgh.


    A collection of songs I made as inspired by an idea for a rhythm-based RPG.


One of my first full projects, this is a simple little atmospheric maze game made in one week using Unity.

No Thanks Hero

Another simple one-week project made in Unity, in conjunction with a very talented pixel artist named Dalia Thornburgh. I completed the programming side and we collaborated on the design.

Here’s a video of how it plays:

This game was conceptualized with a focus on silent storytelling and the use of music to convey the story of three little characters making their way to a temple buried deep under the ground to revive music in their world. These three songs in particular were meant to be the ‘climaxes’ of each of the three silent protagonist’s stories, in order from left to right.

One in a red cloak with a large drum.

These select songs were each composed for a different section of the overworld—

The village’s graveyard.

Drumbeat Sonata

One in a blue cloak with a flute.

And one in a green cloak with a string instrument.

A small, friendly village.

A quiet beach.

This song is one of many intended enemy tracks. As a rhythm game most enemies would have distinct tunes, but this one enemy intended as a recurring joke miniboss would have their music evolve over time. This is the final iteration.

A mysterious overgrown cavern.